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Grand Smooth Inc Ltd.

Nocera Taiwan Branch

 Meixin Institutional Food Development Co. Ltd.

Hong Kong, China  

Grand Smooth Inc. Ltd., hereafter referred as “GSI”,

Is a Hong Kong-registered investment consulting company that provides strategy and expert opinion on investment in Greater China, North Asia, and South East Asia. GSI was established in 2014. 


NOCERA Taiwan Branch

Nocera Taiwan Branch was setup to lead any future operations with XFC and SFC as the representative of its US parent company in Taiwan.



Gui Zhou Grand Smooth Technology Ltd. (WFOE)

Shanghai Nocera Culture Co., Ltd. (WFOE)


Meixin Institutional Food Development Co. Ltd.

Meixin is a well-established food processing and catering company focused on the production of hot and frozen meals, bento boxes, group meals and processing of vegetables and fruit for other companies in the same business.


Centurion ZD CPA Limited.,

our auditor

Guizhou, China 

Gui Zhou Grand Smooth Technology Ltd., hereafter referred as “GZ GST”,

Is a China-based management consulting company providing services to new and existing technology clients in China wanting to expand business abroad. GZ GST in China is a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) established in 2018.​

Shanghai, China  

Shanghai Nocera Culture Co., Ltd. (WFOE in China)


Zhejiang Xinca Mutual Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd. (VIE Control)

Zhejiang, China 

Zhejiang Xinca Mutual Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd., hereafter referred as “Xinca”

(VIE Control),

Xinca has established a successful e-commerce model on Douyin.

existing technology clients in China wanting to expand business abroad.

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